Since 2017, Oleificio Fam has been present on the Campania market with the Famevo line of face and body cosmetics. Ravece Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the spearhead of the Venticano plant’s offer, is the common thread that binds all the products in the line designed and manufactured in the name of beauty and well-being. “Famevo – specifies the administrator Antonio Tranfaglia – is the result of a meticulous research activity carried out in synergy with a specialized laboratory in Genoa”.
Seven hectares of olive groves, distributed between Taurasi, Mirabella, Venticano and Calvi, for 2600 organic trees guarantee the highly prized mono-variety of Ravece, characterized by a very high presence of polyphenols, which perform a profound antioxidant and regenerating action.
“Taking care of the body, and of well-being in general, is a priority that our line – continues Tranfaglia – is able to satisfy at best. We are talking about tested products of the highest quality which, if used constantly, ensure important benefits. Ravece is an oil with exceptional organoleptic and beneficial qualities that have earned it the nickname of “Curatone”, due to its extraordinary medicinal properties. In fact, it prevents degenerative diseases, aging and brain damage, counteracting the oxidative action of free radicals. Preserves the heart and the cardio-circulatory system from any health risks.
“Our beauty line is known above all in the Campania region but now, thanks also to the growth in online sales, we are ready to enter new markets and conquer other targets”, concludes the entrepreneur.
Starting from the pharmacy circuit, Famevo products are today a reference point for many wellness centers and structures in Campania. A challenge in the name of quality that the Irpinia company is ready to launch throughout the country.